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Author Topic: 'Club Terms and Conditions' Could ALL Please Read?  (Read 8314 times)

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Offline madgaz

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'Club Terms and Conditions' Could ALL Please Read?
« on: April 02, 2008, 09:39:53 pm »
Forum Information
First things first. This forum is part of and provided by the GT-Four Enthusiast's Club (GT4EC). The club is guided by its Constitution so have a read of this to see what we are all about.

The forum is a place to exchange information about the GT-Four, the 3S-GTE engine and related topics, to keep track of meets, talk about motorsport, buy and sell car bits and for general banter between like-minded car nuts. It is run by the moderating team.

The GT4EC is just one of 3 main clubs here in the UK which make up the GT4 community. The GT4EC does not condone and will not tolerate sniping, backbiting or any other attempts to stir up ill feelings or rivalry between the clubs.

Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way: Our intention is to have this place run as smoothly and intervention free as possible but inevitably the odd dispute will crop up. In all cases a moderator’s decision is final, but all contentious or disputed decisions will be referred to two other moderators and a majority opinion given – we don’t want anyone to feel victimised or persecuted. If a member feels that they are being treated badly by a mod then they can notify another mod who will investigate. Once that is done however and a final decision is made which you don’t like, well that’s just tough.

Depending on the severity of the offence, moderators may ban the user either temporarily or permanently. If you have a concern about a particular post please feel free to contact the team by using the “report to moderator” button.

General Posting Guidelines
You are required to maintain a good standard of English in your posts (unless English isn’t your first language in which case just do your best ). This means making a half decent attempt to spell and punctuate things right and no wideboy gangsta nonsense either. Anyone using txt spk or other 1337 h4xx0r rubbish will be shot. Also, please use capitals judiciously - USING ALL CAPS is 'shouting' and, like shouting in 'real life' is considered rude.

A swear filter is in operation, but we are mostly adults here (and let’s be honest kids know more swear words than we do) so the occasional bit of swearing is fine. However if someone has an excessively potty mouth then the mods reserve the right to tell them to tone it down a bit.

In general, think about what you are posting. Will anyone care about your devastatingly witty reply? No? Then don’t post it and save a few seconds of their lives that they will never get back. In addition if you are just guessing the answer to someone’s technical query or repeating hearsay, then either don’t do it or at least make it clear where you got your information from. A throwaway comment could cost someone a lot of money.

Before posting a query, why not try the search function? It is very possible that the question you have in mind has been asked before. Also check out the various FAQs, HOWTOs and members websites as they may well contain the answers you seek.

We don’t condone driving like an idiot just because you have a fast car, save that sort of stuff for the max power chavs. Expect to be ridiculed if you post about it.

Please remember, any messages you post will remain in place for as long as this forum is online. Except the jokes forum, in which posts will be auto-pruned after 30 days. We will not edit any content unless it doesn’t conform to these guidelines.

Where to Post and SPAM
Please post things in the appropriate forum, the section headings are pretty clear. Mods will move stuff that isn’t in the right place. Don’t post the same topic in more than one place to try to get more people to see it. First offenders will be warned, subsequent repeats will get them in bigger trouble.

The social forums are the place for banter and off-topic nonsense. The tech forums are for technical discussion only: any spam, ‘me too’ type posts or general off-topic replies will by edited or deleted by the mods and repeat offenders will be warned. If a member feels that their post has been taken way off topic then they can ask a mod to sort it out. Exceptions are people posting up about ridiculously chav mods, when all members are entitled to poke fun at them

The same applies to the Trading Post forum, don’t reply to someone unless it is going to be of use to them. Think someone is charging too much for something and you can get it cheaper off eBay and feel like telling them? Well don’t.

All members are entitled to post up items for sale and wanted in the Trading Post section. Do not reply to these posts unless you are interested in buying/selling the item. Members must ensure that if the item is sold then the item description should be updated to reflect this fact. Commercial sales are not allowed other than those from authorised traders. Repeat offenders will be banned.

If you wish to become an authorised trader please speak to a member of the moderating team.

Please start your sig with your real name (first name only if you like) and your model (ST165 etc, or whatever it is that you drive). Feel free to stick your website in there, but please keep the overall length down. You are permitted an image of width no greater than 600 pixels, height no greater than 150 pixels, and the file size no more than 100 kb in your signature. No commercial advertising or company websites allowed. However, links to other car clubs/sites are.

If the width of an image is greater than about 640 pixels put up just a link without IMG tags. The same goes for pics that are bigger than about 100-120k in file size. If you are showing off your car from several angles, use IMG tags only on the first couple of pics and link the others but if you’re showing a progress of some work or something technical, you can use IMG tags on all the pics.

We do not allow any pornographic or semi pornographic material, either as avatars, in signatures or in posts. There are plenty of sites out there on the internet for that sort of thing, this is a car enthusiasts forum and should be treated as such.

You are allowed an avatar of no bigger than 80 pixels x 80 pixels and no larger than 6Kb but please see above regarding pornographic content.

Abuse by any member towards any other member on any grounds will not be tolerated. A bit of banter is fair enough but people overstepping the mark will be banned. This includes but is not limited to abuse on the grounds of race/sex/sexuality/religion or any other bigoted views. Any severe abuse will be reported to the appropriate authorities. The administrators and moderators reserve the right to edit or delete such posts.

If you suspect that a post on this forum has infringed any copyright, please report that post so that we may remove it for review.

GT4EC hereby authorises you to view, print, copy and distribute information published by GT4EC on this or any other publicly accessed site maintained by GT4EC, provided that (a) the information may be used internally (by you or any third party to whom you distribute it) only for informational, non-commercial purposes; (b) no fee may be charged for distribution of any information to any third party; and (c) any and all copyright or other proprietary notices that appear herein, together with this Legal Notice, must appear on all copies that you make or distribute.

Unless expressly provided otherwise by GT4EC, all comments, feedback, information or materials submitted to GT4EC through or in association with the Sites shall be considered non-confidential and GT4EC's property. By submitting such comments, feedback, information or materials to GT4EC, you agree to a no-charge assignment to GT4EC of all worldwide rights, title and interest in copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the comments, feedback, information or materials. GT4EC shall be free to use, copy or distribute such comments, feedback, information or materials on an unrestricted basis without accounting to you.

Members acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence these persons will not be held liable. Modifying cars is an inherently risky business, the GT4EC will not be held responsible for any damage to your car which results directly or indirectly from following advice or procedures on this site.

By registering members agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). Members agree that the moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. Members agree to any information they enter being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

Seriously wanting another GT4 NOW god dam it!!!


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